Quest:Foes of the Silver Bastion

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Foes of the Silver Bastion
Level 12
Type Solo
Starts with Ilarion
Starts at Echad Terthas
Start Region Swanfleet
Map Ref [52.8S, 22.4W]
Ends with Ilarion
Ends at Echad Terthas
End Region Swanfleet
Map Ref [52.8S, 22.4W]
Quest Group Swanfleet
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Caras Gelebren, the Silver Bastion, must be cleared of the hostile forces that inhabit it. I care not what creatures they be. If they wish harm to the Elves or to places held dear by my people, they must be defeated.'


Ilarion wants you to deal with the foes that stalk the ruins of Caras Gelebren.

Objective 1

Enemies can be found throughout the ruins of Caras Gelebren.

Defeated foes within Caras Gelebren (10/10)

Objective 2

Ilarion is at Echad Terthas.

Ilarion: 'It is a good start. Perhaps the creatures that remain in Caras Gelebren will receive our message that they are not welcome. If they do not, neither will they escape our vengeance.
'Thank you for helping me with this, friend.'