Quest:Expedition: Bridging the Gap

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Expedition: Bridging the Gap
Level 61
Type Solo
Starts with Ivorel
Starts at Echad Sirion
Start Region Mirkwood
Map Ref [15.1S, 61.4W]
Quest Group Mirkwood
Quest Chain Mirkwood Landing
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'A fine day for battle, do you not agree, <name>?

'In any case, Fuirgam has tasked me with ensuring that we are not taken unaware from the south. There is a small river there, with a few bridges leading to Orc-encampments on the far side. We cannot spare the forces to assault those fortifications, so we are going to take the bridges instead and prevent them from crossing over.

'I am certain that you can handle a straightforward task such as that, can you not?'


Two bridges ford the stream south of Echad Sirion. By means of these bridges, Orc-reinforcements may flank the Malledhrim.

Objective 1

  • Capture the western bridge
  • Capture the eastern bridge

The two bridges lie to the south of Echad Sirion, along a small tributary to the Anduin.

Ivorel has asked you to take the two bridges allowing access to the Mirk-eaves from the south.

Ivorel: 'Celeborn has bidden us make haste in our asault, and so we have come lightly prepared. We have no tools of siege with which to reduce Dol Guldur, and Amrúnwen has prepared supplies for little more than two weeks' efforst.
'It seems that our assault is not meant to destroy Dol Guldur at why assault the fortress at all?'
The bridge has already been destroyed
The bridge has already been destroyed

Objective 2

Ivorel is at Echad Sirion, on the eastern banks of the Anduin.

You should inform Ivorel that both bridges were already destroyed.

Ivorel: 'The bridges were already down by the time you arrived?
'Typical Orc-cowardice. They cut them at the first sign of danger and saved us the trouble of even worrying about them for the moment.'