Quest:Evil in the Wood

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Evil in the Wood
Level 72
Type Solo
Starts with Token of the Goat
Starts at The Tree of Tribute
Start Region Dunland
Ends with Saeradan
Ends at Rohirrim Scout-camp
End Region Dunland
Map Ref [81.0S, 10.6W]
Quest Group Dunland: South Gravenwood
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

Upon his banishment, the Cuthraul Nulchuth dropped a token similar to those you dug up from beneath the Tree of Tribute. You should bring all three tokens to Saeradan at once.


Upon his banishment, the Cuthraul Nulchulth dropped a fell token similar to those you had dug up from beneath the Tree of Tribute.

Objective 1

Saeradan is at the Rohirrim scout-camp, north-east of the Tree of Tribute.

You should bring the tokens you found to Saeradan.

Saeradan: 'Indeed, these medallions confirm what I suspected all along. I thought that Gwyllion might have allies in Dunland, and it seems I was right.
'One of these tokens bears the mark of the goat...the Druggavar summoned by the Old Woman of the Mountain. This one bears the mark of the Stag, and the third is the Ox, clans we encountered here in Dunland.'