Quest:Delivery to Melgobas

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Delivery to Melgobas
Level 143
Type Solo
Starts with Sadrech
Starts at Sadrech's Camp
Start Region Anfalas
Map Ref [67.7S, 72.6W]
Ends with Harthel
Ends at Melgobas
End Region Anfalas
Map Ref [69.0S, 77.7W]
Quest Group Anfalas
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'You will be passing through Melgobas, will you not? Bring the ox parts to my husband, Harthel, and please let him know that we are fine.

'I shall rest here until it's safe for us to travel back. Avri will watch over me.'


Harthel in Melgobas awaits his family's return.

Objective 1

Sadrech has asked you to bring the ox parts to her husband, Harthel, in Melgobas.

Melgobas can be found west of her camp.

Harthel: 'Your words have soothed many of my worries, stranger. Ah, but -- there is work for me to do. Please wait here; it won't be long.'
With deft precision, the man cuts the ox parts into more manageable portions. He removes the offal as he works, setting it all aside in a bucket that he presents to you once he's finished.
'Would you like to feed this to the stray cats? If it weren't for their presence here, mice and other pests would be lurking at eery corner.'
He nods to himself.
'Noble creatures, each and every one of them.'

Objective 2

  • Feed stray cats around Melgobas (0/6)

Harthel has given you a bucket of offal to feed to the stray cats around Melgobas.

Stray Cat says, "Meow!"

Objective 3

  • Talk to Harthel

You've fed every stray cat you could find in Melgobas.

You should talk to Harthel.

Harthel: 'The cats do not forget those who help them, you know.'
He offers a smile.
'Neither do I. Thank you for helping my family.'