Quest:Delayed Response

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Delayed Response
Level 21
Type Solo
Starts with Lassa Brownlock
Starts at Tighfield
Start Region The Yondershire
Map Ref [26.4S, 82.0W]
Ends with Clotild Pott's Door
Ends at Gamwich
End Region The Yondershire
Map Ref [23.7S, 82.3W]
Quest Group Yondershire
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Ah, hello! Might I ask, are you headed to Gamwich? My friend Clotild hasn't shown up for our weekly tea, and I'm growing quite worried. She's never missed one before, not once!

'I'm afraid I can't step away now; I'm preparing our food so it'll be warm once she arrives. Please, make sure she's alright! Checking her home might be a good start; she lives just across from the inn there.'


Lassa's friend Clotild has not shown up for their weekly tea.

Objective 1

You should find Clotild's house in Gamwich.

It is located across from the Brimful Quiver Inn.

The house is completely still and silent...

Objective 2

  • Knock on Clotild's door

At first glance, Clotild doesn't seem to be home.

You should try knocking on her door.

Objective 3

  • Wait for Clotild to answer the door

You should wait to see if Clotild will answer the door.

No response...

Objective 4

  • Knock on Clotild's door

It's possible Clotild didn't hear you knocking.

You should try again.

Objective 5

  • Wait for Clotild to answer the door

You should wait to see if Clotild will answer the door.

Still no response...

Objective 6

  • Knock on Clotild's door

Well... third time's the charm?

From within the house, someone shouts, 'Go away!'

Objective 7

Someone is home -- most likely Clotild.

You should try to talk to her through the door.

Clotild Pott: 'Oh! I'm sorry for being so rude -- I thought you were one of my horrible neighbours. I hear them knocking on my front door at all hours of the day! The nerve!'