Quest:Crippling The Front

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Crippling The Front
Level 84
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Ufum-mau
Start Region Sutcrofts
Map Ref [64.7S, 55.5W]
Quest Group Sutcrofts
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

You have overheard Orcs of the camps near Walstow snarling something that can only be the name of one Orc. You should defeat the leader of this force and plunge the remaining Orcs into disarray.


While sieging the Orc camps near Walstow, you have heard a name snarled by the Orcs. If there is a leader of this force, it must be defeated.

Objective 1

You have overheard Orcs of Mordor uttering a particular name - a name that can only belong to their leader. Thauk can be found deep in the Orc camp to the south of Walstow.

Objective 2

Thauk can be found deep in the Orc camp to the south of Walstow.

Defeated Thauk

Objective 3

  • Completed

You have defeated Thauk and shattered the leadership of the invading Mordor Orcs.

You have defeated Thauk. The Orcs will surely prove far less of a challenge with their leadership broken. Winsig will be very pleased to hear of this.