Quest:Clearing Shataz-kordh

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Clearing Shataz-kordh
Level 133
Type Solo
Starts with Elta
Starts at Shataz-kordh
Start Region Deepscrave
Map Ref [48.6S, 116.8W]
Ends with Elta
Ends at Shataz-kordh
End Region Deepscrave
Map Ref [48.6S, 116.8W]
Quest Group Gundabad: Deepscrave
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Did you notice the worm nest nearby? One of the worms there is larger than the rest. I saw an Orc try to attack it once, but the blade could barely cut through its hide! Alas, as much as I'd delight in letting the worm torment the Orcs, it also poses as a problem for scouts in the vicinity.

'The worm hasn't left the nest in a while -- after all, why leave when there's a feast of Orc corpses scattered about? Burn the corpses, and perhaps the worm will be hungry enough to show its face.'


Elta's final target might not show its face until the Orc corpses in Shataz-kordh are cleared.

Objective 1

  • Burn Orc corpses (0/6)

Burning Orc corpses in Shataz-kordh may cause your next target to leave the nest.

Burned Orc corpses (6/6)

Objective 3

You have burned all of the Orc corpses in Shataz-kordh.

Elta waits for your return outside the worm nest.

Elta: 'Urgh, I could smell your handiwork. Let's hope this works.'