Quest:Chapter 6.7: Lair of the Beast

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Chapter 6.7: Lair of the Beast
Level 149
Type Solo
Starts with Cruel Dancer
Starts at Aradâr
Start Region Umbar Baharbêl
Map Ref [24.1S, 95.9W]
Ends with Corudan
Ends at Dâr Rapha
End Region Umbar Baharbêl
Map Ref [17.1S, 95.8W]
Quest Group The Song of Waves and Wind: Chapter 6
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Here is what I know of this secret harbour. It has been the berth of the ship belonging to Tatháta the Sea-beast, but ever since Nakási Wave-reaper's husband perished in Gondor, she has used it for her own ship as well. I do not know for what reason she chooses not to dock in the city proper, but I believe we will find both vessels in the harbour when we descend.

'The way is treacherous, but we can use this rope to descend to the ledge we must take. It is narrow, with only room for one of us to pass at a time. Once you reach the far side of the ledge, there is a ladder that descends to the hidden harbour where our two targets keep their ships. You can go first down the rope... I will be right behind you.'


Cruel Dancer has located the grotto where two members of the Kindred of the Coins seem to harbour their ships: Tatháta the Sea-beast and Nakási Wave-reaper.

Objective 1

The coil of rope by Cruel Dancer will allow you to reach the lair Cruel Dancer discovered.

Coiled Rope: Despite your misgivings, you know that this may be your best chance to reach the Kindred's prisoners undetected. You resolve to remain alert in case Cruel Dancer attempts any treacherous action.
Cruel Dancer: 'The way is treacherous, but we can use this rope to descend to the ledge we must take. It is narrow, with only room for one of us to pass at a time. Once you reach the far side of the ledge, there is a ladder that descends to the hidden harbour where our two targets keep their ships. You can go first down the rope... I will be right behind you.'

Objective 2

You rescued one prisoner from the Kindred of the Coins, and your friends now recover at the amphitheatre east of the city.

Corudan: 'I still cannot believe it, <name>! I never believed I would see you again... and yet here you are, such a great distance from where we parted! It is truly remarkable, and I delight that our reunion has come to pass!'