Quest:Chapter 10.6: The Sunder-battle

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Chapter 10.6: The Sunder-battle
Level 139
Type Solo
Starts with Durin
Starts at Deep Beneath Gundabad
Ends with Mótsog
Ends at Deep Beneath Gundabad
Quest Group The Legacy of Durin and the Trials of the Dwarves: Chapter 10
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Finish your tale, Mótsog, and be done with it. I care not if you repent of the evils you wrought. Speak of Durin's judgement, and know that you deserved it.'


Mótsog's tale is not yet complete, and Durin is determined to hear more.

Objective 1

  • Talk to Mótsog and hear the rest of his tale

Mótsog stands in a chamber far below Gundabad.

Mótosg watches Durin, his eyes glinting in the dim light of the chamber.
Mótsog: 'I speak not of "deserving", my friend. I speak only of what occurred, and leave the judging of what was "deserved" to others.'
When Durin does not reply, Mótsog addresses you once again.
Mótosg: 'My rebellion led to ten years of war. Ten years of fighting levied a bloody toll on Greymaul and Longbeard alike, but still there was no sign that an end could ever come. At last, after ten years, Durin devised a plan to bring the conflict to and end.'
Completed: Instance: The Sunder-battle

Objective 2

  • Talk to Mótsog

Mótsog stands in a long-forgotten chamber deep beneath Gundabad.

Mótsog: 'Much have I seen in the years since the Sunder-battle might have transpired differently had I slain Hrímil Frost-heart in Biriz-zahar, but it was not to be. And yet I know this: the memory of the wounds she sustained from the mithril hammer pains her still, even to this day.'
Mótsog falls silent and turns his piercing gaze upon Durin.