Quest:Cask Away

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Cask Away
Level 145
Type Solo
Starts with Ahuz
Starts at Mâr Naphra
Start Region The Shield Isles
Map Ref [3.5S, 130.4W]
Quest Group The Shield Isles
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Not that it's any of your business, but my wine is gone! All the trouble I've been through just trying to smuggle such acquired delectables to Umbar... I should be paid a king's ransom!

'You look fairly capable. If you're lookin' to make some coin, I'm lookin' for someone to retrieve what I've lost!'


Ahuz is concerned about the wine casks he was transporting that were lost during a recent storm on the isles.

Objective 1

  • Collect wine casks (0/6)

Ahuz has asked you to retrieve his lost wine casks. His boat ran ashore to the west of Mâr Naphra.

Objective 2

  • Deliver casks to Ahuz

You have successfully collected all of Ahuz's wine casks. You should return them. Ahuz can be found in Mâr Naphra.

Ahuz: 'Well, would you look at that. You came through!
'I promise not to harass upstanding, tight-strapped fellows like yourself from now on. You all can be quite useful!'