Quest:Capture an Outpost (Creep)

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Capture an Outpost
Faction Creep
Level 150
Type Raid
Starts at Gramsfoot
Starts with War-tyrant Akulhun
[12.2S, 20.9W]
Ends at Gramsfoot
Ends with War-tyrant Akulhun
[12.2S, 20.9W]
Money Reward 20 Silver 14 Copper 
Rank change Increased Infamy (100)
Repeatable Daily
Quest Chain Gramsfoot
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'We need to slap those living in the Delving into line. Now they are so bold as to come to the surface and stand at the outposts throughout the Ettenmoors.

'Get out there and take those posts.'


We need them outposts to get into the Delving of Frór. You look like the kind of maggot up to the task. Head into the Ettenmoors and capture one of those locations, maggot!

Objective 1

Make your way into the Ettenmoors and seek one of the outposts there. These can be found in the far southwest, overlooking the river near Hoarhallow, the near south northwest just beyond the river and north near the western entrance of the Isendeep Mine.

You have been tasked with capturing an outpost within the Ettenmoors. You should return to War-tyrant Akulhún when this is complete.

Objective 2

The outpost is claimed for Angmar, return to War-tyrant Akulhún at Gramsfoot and tell him of your victory.

War-tyrant Akúlhun: 'Bout time a <race> like you pitched in around here.'