Quest:Calling for Charcoal

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Calling for Charcoal
Level 9
Type Solo
Starts with Hyacinth Took
Starts at Tuckborough
Start Region The Shire
Map Ref [33.5S, 70.9W]
Ends with Hart Holeman
Ends at Overhill
End Region The Shire
Map Ref [28.1S, 70.1W]
Quest Group Shire
Quest Chain Lobelia's Fireworks
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'You really shouldn't have let Cam bully you into hunting those wolves for him. That's work for the Shirriffs! Well, thank you for the saltpetre.

'Now I need some charcoal. Please go to Overhill and talk to Hart Holeman. He and some other wood-cutters gather timber from Bindbole Wood and sometimes cook charcoal for sale. You can find him at his home in the centre of Overhill.

'Mind you don't let him bully you like Cam did.'


Since Lobelia Sackville-Baggins paid to acquire the ingredients for her fireworks, Hyacinth Took has recruited you to help her gather them.

Objective 1

Hart Holeman is at his home in the centre of Overhill.

Hyacinth Took appreciated the saltpetre you brought back with you, though she chided you for letting Cam Puddifoot talk you into hunting wolves for him. Now she has asked you to speak with Hart Holeman about the charcoal she needs.

Hyacinth Took: 'Please go talk to Hart Holeman in Overhill to get the charcoal I need.'
Hart Holeman: 'Charcoal is it? Yes, we do have some for sale. I'll be happy to prepare a parcel for young Hyacinth. But there's one thing you can do for me first....'