Quest:Book 8, Chapter 2: Last Chances

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Book 8, Chapter 2: Last Chances
Level 105
Type Solo
Starts with Aragorn
Starts at Camp of the Host
Start Region The Wastes
Map Ref [40.8S, 10.3W]
Quest Chain Vol. IV. Book 8
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'It is our misfortune that we must march to the Black Gate with little hope of our own survival, <name>. So many good men have placed their lives into my hands, trusting that this course is important. I believe that it is, but it does not make the burden of that choice any lighter.

'Some of my kinsmen are deep in thought, contemplating the roads that have lead them here, while they ready themselves for the road to come. Will you speak with some of them and put into words how grateful I am for all they have done? This is likely to be our last battle, and I want them to know that I appreciate their service not only as their captain or their king, but also as their friend and kinsman. This may be my last chance to tell them so, and I do not wish to miss that opportunity.'


The Host of the West prepares to set forth on the last leg of the march to the Black Gate, and Aragorn wants his friends and kin to know that he is grateful for their trust and service.

Objective 1

Lothrandir is south of Aragorn's position on the rise in the Camp of the Host, on the border of Dagorlad.

Aragorn wanted you to express to some of his kinsmen how grateful he is for the sacrifices they have made, and will make, in his service.

As you approach, Lothrandir surfaces from his thoughts of home

Objective 2

  • Talk to Lothrandir south of the rise in the Camp of the Host

Lothrandir is south of Aragorn's position on the rise in the Camp of the Host, on the border of Dagorlad.

Aragorn wanted you to express to some of his kinsmen how grateful he is for the sacrifices they have made, and will make, in his service.

Lothrandir: 'Once I spoke to you of my travels, <name>, of my adventures in the wooded lands of Enedwaith and the rocky heights of Thrór's Coomb, but they are dwarfed now by the memory of these last few weeks. From the dungeons of Isengard to the fighting on the Pelennor, our journey has been full of hardship.
'My mind turns now to my home, at Sûri-kylä in Forochel. I do not think I will see it again, but I am at ease knowing that I have done what I can for the Snowmen, and they will persevere as they always have done.
'I will follow Aragorn wherever he leads.'

Objective 3

  • Talk to Radanir to the south-east of Lothrandir's position in the Camp of the Host

Radanir is south-east of Lothrandir's position in the Camp of the Host on the border of Dagorlad.

Aragorn wanted you to express to some of his kinsmen how grateful he is for the sacrifices they have made, and will make, in his service.

As you approach, Radanir emerges from his thoughts

Objective 4

  • Talk to Radanir to the south-east of Lothrandir's position in the Camp of the Host

Radanir is south-east of Lothrandir's position in the Camp of the Host on the border of Dagorlad.

Aragorn wanted you to express to some of his kinsmen how grateful he is for the sacrifices they have made, and will make, in his service.

Radanir: 'We have been through a lot together, <name>, and most of it was unpleasant. I am not complaining, not really. If it was to be easy, it need not have been the Dúnedain's task to face it! I said as much to Elweleth once, but she has gone away, and will never return.
'Do you think that the folk of Middle-earth will appreciate everything Aragorn has done? I do not expect our names to be remembered, but if there is any justice, Aragorn will be remembered fondly and well by the people of Gondor and Rohan, at least.'
Radanir is silent for a long while, and you are about to leave him be when he speaks at last.
'It seems there will be no peaceful tavern for us at the end of this road, <name>. After everything we have gone through, I suppose I am not really surprised.'

Objective 5

  • Talk to Corunir east of Radanir's position in the Camp of the Host

Corunir is east of Radanir's position in the Camp of the Host, on the border of Dagorlad.

Aragorn wanted you to express to some of his kinsmen how grateful he is for the sacrifices they have made, and will make, in his service.

As you approach, Corunir breaks free of his reverie

Objective 6

  • Talk to Corunir east of Radanir's position in the Camp of the Host

Corunir is east of Radanir's position in the Camp of the Host, on the border of Dagorlad.

Aragorn wanted you to express to some of his kinsmen how grateful he is for the sacrifices they have made, and will make, in his service.

Corunir: 'I watched the departure of the Faint-hearted, <name>, and I felt no scorn for them, though there was a time in my life when I might not have understood their choice. I see that their path too was in service of the Host of the West. Our own road takes us to Mordor, for we have the courage to go that way.
'I am not afraid of Mordor or its Black Gate. Neither am I afraid of the Dark Lord or his armies. I am not afraid of Mordirith, no matter what he names himself. I am not afraid of death, for I have lived a life enriched by friendship and laughter, and I know that endings must always come, soon or late.
'I am made strong by the love of my friends and the memories I carry with me, and no Orc or wraith or beast can conquer that strength. At long last I am at peace, <name>. I will follow Aragorn to the end, with an unburdened heart.'

Objective 7

  • Talk to Calenglad north of Corunir's position in the Camp of the Host

Calenglad is north of Corunir's position in the Camp of the Host, on the border of Dagorlad.

Aragorn wanted you to express to some of his kinsmen how grateful he is for the sacrifices they have made, and will make, in his service.

As you approach, Calenglad returns from his thoughts

Objective 8

  • Talk to Calenglad north of Corunir's position in the Camp of the Host

Calenglad is north of Corunir's position in the Camp of the Host, on the border of Dagorlad.

Aragorn wanted you to express to some of his kinsmen how grateful he is for the sacrifices they have made, and will make, in his service.

Calenglad: 'Have you ever broken a promise, <name>?'
Calenglad looks up at you sadly, and holds up a finger to halt your reply.
'I have sought to live my life with honour, making good upon my promises and the oaths I have taken. I swore an oath to aid Aragorn my chief in all things, and I have done so as best I could. That oath has taken me far from my home and to the very doorstep of Mordor.
'But my heart remains on the shores of Lake Nenuial. I promised to return when my duty in the south-lands was done, but... it does not seem that any of us will return, after all. What were the words of Gwindeth? That the return of Elendil's kingdom would be worth some measure of sorrow? Did she speak the truth? I do not know, even now.'

Objective 9

  • Talk to Aragorn at the Camp of the Host

Aragorn is on the rise in the middle of the Camp of the Host.

Aragorn surfaces from his thoughts, and turns to face you

Objective 10

  • Talk to Aragorn at the Camp of the Host

Aragorn is on the rise in the middle of the Camp of the Host.

Aragorn: 'None of us are free of worry, <name>, or free of regret. But still we move forward in spite of those feelings. That is all we can do. That is what we must do.'