Quest:Aid for the Enemy

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Aid for the Enemy
Level 105
Type Solo
Starts with Maendal
Starts at Aelin Veren
Start Region North Ithilien
Map Ref [53.0S, 6.9W]
Quest Group North Ithilien
Quest Chain Aelin Veren
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'<name>, a few of the Southrons have complained of thirst. I do not doubt it, but I will not send my Rangers away from their sides. We still know little of their purpose here, and I dare not offer them the chance to slay us while our numbers are thinned.

'Still, I would not deny a prisoner such care, even one as hated as a Man of Harad. To the east of Aelin Veren lies the source of this river, beneath a great waterfall.

'I would ask that you take these waterskins and fill them there. When you return, offer them to the prisoners and let us hope it's enough to calm them for a time.

'If we are so fortunate, perhaps they may be more inclined to tell us of the Enemy's plots in Ithilien.'


The Rangers of Ithilien do not often show mercy to their foes, but to hold prisoners demands a certain watchful care.

Objective 1

  • Travel east to the source of the river flowing through Aelin Veren

The river that flows through Aelin Veren can be found in central North Ithilien.

Maendal has asked you to fill waterskins in the eastern waters of the river flowing through Aelin Veren before giving them to the prisoners.

You have come to the freshest waters of the river.
Filled waterskins in the waters of the river east of Aelin Veren (4/4)

Objective 2

  • Offer filled waterskins to the Haradrim prisoners (0/4)

The Haradrim prisoners can be found at Aelin Veren, in central North Ithilien.

You have returned with the filled waterskins and should now offer them to the Haradrim prisoners.

Daugha-tûm, Warrior of Harad: 'Why even bother, <race>?'
Thai-chât, Archer of Harad: 'I did not expect such treatment from these Rangers...'
Jubuya, Sorcerer of Harad: 'An odd sort, these Men...
'We have heard they never take prisoners, and yet, here we are.
'Thank you <race>. This water soothes my ills...'
Chan-két Doloi, War-master of Harad: 'You have my thanks. I have no love for these men, but if bloodshed can be avoid this day, I shall do what I must.'
Offered filled waterskins to the Haradrim prisoners (4/4)

Objective 4

Maendal can be found at Aelin Veren in central North Ithilien.

You have offered a waterskin to each of the prisoners and should now speak to Maendal.

Maendal: 'I hope it is enough to sootheir thirst for a time, <name>.
'I do not wish to offer them more than we can spare our own, but water is plentiful in these lands.
'Let us hope such a gesture gives them pause should they wish to attack us yet.'