Quest:A Visit to Yondershire

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A Visit to Yondershire
Level 20
Type Solo
Starts with Bingo Boffin
Starts at The Yondershire
Start Region The Yondershire
Map Ref [26.6S, 77.6W]
Ends with Bingo Boffin
Ends at Tighfield
End Region The Yondershire
Map Ref [26.2S, 82.4W]
Quest Group Yondershire
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Well hullo there, <name>! This is a pleasant surprise!

'I am on my way to Yondershire to welcome my cousin Prisca's daughter Angelica to her new home! She's not in her tweens anymore, you see, and has purchased a home in Nobottle. They grow up so fast, don't they?

'Prisca and her other children are planning a housewarming party for Angelica, and I am certain you would be welcome as well! Some of Prisca's brood made the trip a few days ago; they intended to find a suitable present to give their sister. Ah... perhaps don't tell Prisca I said that. She dislikes when I refer to her children as a brood. She broods on it, you know?'

Bingo chuckles to himself.

'I should remember to write that down. Anyway... if you're in a festive sort of mood, I'm supposed to meet up with my cousins in the centre of Tighfield. It's to the north-west of here, in Yondershire.'


Bingo Boffin has come to Yondershire to welcome his first cousin Angelica (once removed) to her new home in Nobottle.

Objective 1

Camellia Boffin and her siblings should have reached Tighfield by now.

Camellia smiles brightly as you and Bingo arrive

Objective 2

  • Talk to Camellia Boffin in Tighfield

Camellia Boffin is in Tighfield, but some of her siblings have wandered off (as they often do).

Camellia Boffin: 'Welcome, <name>! Have you come to Yondershire for Angelica's housewarming party? How lovely! I have had my hands full keeping Dinodas and Marigold out of trouble, but mother entrusted me with the task and I will not let her down.'
You ask Camellia where her brother and sister have gone, and a look of sudden panic crosses her face.
'Wha-? They were here a minute ago! I took my eyes off them for just a moment, and they vanished? That is so typical, <name>. Can you track them down for me? Marigold had been talking about seeing the Elf ruins to the west of here, but where Dinodas might have gone is a mystery to me. Maybe Marigold will know? She had better!'

Objective 3

  • Look for Marigold and defeat half-orcs in Tham Amothir (0/6)

Marigold might be getting into some trouble in Tham Amothir to the west, especially if there are half-orcs among the ruins.

Camellia Boffin: 'Can you track down my wayward brother and sister for me? Marigold had been talking about seeing the Elf ruins to the west of here, but where Dinodas might have gone is a mystery to me. Maybe Marigold will know? She had better!'
You hear the sound of a hobbit-girl celebrating near the ruins

Objective 4

Marigold Boffin is near the ruins of Tham Amothir.

Marigold Boffin: 'Well hello there, <name>! Your adventures have brought you to Yondershire? My own taste for adventure has also led my feet here, and it is a good thing, too: these half-orcs would only grow in strength until they might threaten the safety of the Yonder-hobbits, and we can't have that. Did you know my sister Angelica has become one of them? A Yonder-hobbit, I mean; not a half-orc.
'It's true! She's a resident of Nobottle now. We're all here to welcome her to her new home.'
You ask Marigold if she knows where Dinodas might have gone, and she smiles brightly.
'Dinodas gave Camellia the slip, eh? Good for him! Maybe we'll make an adventurer of him after all, <name>! Or perhaps not. I'm pretty sure he just wanted to go to Gamwich to show off the housewarming gift he commissioned for Angelica to some friends of his. You'll probably find him there.'

Objective 5

According to Marigold, her brother Dinodas intended to visit with a friend of his at Gamwich.

Dinodas notices you approaching and waves you over to him

Objective 6

Dinodas Boffin is in Gamwich, and he is very pleased to see you.

Dinodas Boffin: '<name>! You are here in Yondershire for Angelica's housewarming party? Oh, you are going to be impressed with the present I found for her. And they all said I wouldn't be able to find anything she'd like!
'Let's go back to Camellia in Tighfield. She and cousin Bingo are going to be so impressed with my gift! "You've come through again, Dinodas!" they'll say! You see if they don't, <name>, you see if they don't!'

Objective 7

  • Meet up with the Boffins back in Tighfield

The Boffin siblings plan to all meet back up at Tighfield, and would be happy for you to join them.

Dinodas Boffin: 'Let's go back to Camellia in Tighfield. She and cousin Bingo are going to be so impressed with my gift! "You've come through again, Dinodas!" they'll say! You see if they don't, <name>, you see if they don't!'
Bingo, Camellia, Marigold, and Dinodas have all met up in Tighfield

Objective 8

  • Talk to Bingo Boffin in Tighfield

Bingo is in Tighfield with some of his cousins (once removed).

Bingo Boffin: 'Welcome back!
'So what's this housewarming gift you found, Dino? I hope it's something Angelica will really like!'
Dinodas beams proudly, bursting with excitement

Objective 9

  • Talk to Dinodas Boffin and see the housewarming present

Bingo is excited to see the housewarming present that Dinodas came up with.

Bingo Boffin: 'Well, I'm ready to see this present, Dino! What did you come up with?'
Dinodas Boffin: 'Prepare to be amazed, everyone!
'On my way here I encountered an Elf on his way to the Grey Havens. He was travelling westward and my road lay to the north, but we walked together for a little while and spoke of many things. He was a painter, it seems, and though he possessed humility more befitting a hobbit than an Elf, I could tell he must have no small skill in the art. It became clear to me as well that he was dawdling; he seemed in no real hurry to reach the Havens at the end of his road.
'"Perhaps you wouldn't mind painting something for me?" I asked him, and he said it had been many years since he had last painted a subject of hobbit-style. "How many years?" I asked, and he would not say. You know how Elves can be. At any rate, I thought this would be just the thing to give to Angelica: a painting of her new house!
'And here it is!'
Dinodas unveils the painting of Angelica's new home

Objective 10

  • Examine the painting of Angelica's new home

Dinodas arranged for an Elf-painter passing through the Shire to paint Angelica's new home.

Dinodas Boffin: 'It is lovely, isn't it? And you all thought I would not find anything suitable!'
Dinodas has out-done himself! The painting is quite lovely

Objective 11

  • Talk to Bingo Boffin in Tighfield

Bingo is very impressed with the painting Dinodas obtained for Angelica.

Bingo Boffin: 'I have to say, Dino, this painting is incredible! We are fortunate you encountered that Elf when you did, for I am certain Angelica is going to love this gift!
'I did not doubt you for a moment, cousin!'