Quest:A Secret Club

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A Secret Club
Level 25
Type Solo only
Starts with Any Burglar Trainer
Ends with Ponto Oats
Ends at Oatbarton
End Region Evendim
Map Ref [20.73S, 64.54W]
Quest Group Burglar
Class Burglar
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'<name>, hello. I have received a message for you from a fellow Expert Treasure Hunter: a request for your services. We must always stick together, for ours is a profession that others are prone to resent. Jealousy, I say!

'It is a secret and exclusive club, <name>, this brotherhood of Expert Treasure Hunters, and we must encourage and lend aid to our own.

'Travel to Oatbarton, the hobbit-village on the very northern border of the Shire, almost in Evendim, and speak to Ponto.'


Burglars throughout Eriador consider themselves members of a secret club, an exclusive brotherhood of those who practice the art of stealth.

Objective 1

A burglar named Ponto is somewhere in Oatbarton, the hobbit-village on the very northern border of the Shire, almost in Evendim.

You have been told to find a burglar named Ponto, somewhere in Oatbarton.

Burglar Trainer: 'You should travel to Oatbarton, the hobbit-village on the very northern border of the Shire, almost in Evendim, and speak to Ponto.'
Ponto Oats: 'Welcome, <name>, my fellow Expert Treasure Hunter. Ours is a secret club, and we permit only the most skilled to practice our art. At any rate, the unskilled do not seem to last very long!
'I have assumed the name "Ponto Oats" for the duration of my stay here in Oatbarton, for it is a name that draws no attention to itself. Where I walk, the shadows hide me and leave no memory of my passage! That's the sort of thing you need to learn, <name>.
'But enough about that, because there is work to be done! The village of Dwaling is a short distance from here, and it has been occupied by ruffians! They are led by someone called "The Chief," and many strong Men serve him. One in particular, the Chief's main enforcer, is a hulking brute wielding a deadly club. He chased many of the inhabitants of Dwaling from their homes when the brigands arrived. We will do something about this brute, friend <name>. Speak to me when you are ready to hear my plan.'

Objective 2

Ponto Oats is in the village of Oatbarton.

Ponto is waiting to speak with you about his plan to take care of the mean-tempered brigand in Dwaling.

Ponto: 'I have long felt that the brotherhood of Expert Treasure Hunters owes a debt to the community, and each member should encourage those of less skill.
'We will travel together to Dwaling, <name>, and you will relieve the Chief's enforcer of the club he wields in battle! Perhaps you will learn something in the process!'
This is a Solo quest, and cannot be completed with a Fellowship.

Objective 3

  • Talk to Ponto Oats

Ponto Oats is in the village of Oatbarton.

Ponto is waiting to speak with you about your theft of the brigand's club.

Ponto Oats: 'You did passably well, <name>. You didn't demonstrate a great deal of flair, but I suppose you got the job done. You can keep the club, if you like.