Quest:A Respite from Dread

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A Respite from Dread
Level 20
Type Solo
Starts with Tangwen
Starts at Crossway House
Start Region Cardolan
Map Ref [50.3S, 44.9W]
Quest Group Cardolan
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'It smells so wonderful in here, does it not? Let's spread this lovely feeling to the rest of Herne. Here, take the tea, and bring it to villagers who may be in need.'


You have helped Tangwen to brew a delicious-smelling tea in the hopes of bringing some comfort to the people of Herne.

Objective 1

  • Deliver tea to Herne townsfolk (0/6)

Tangwen has asked you to bring tea to residents of Herne who are taking refuge in the Crossway Inn.

Herne is in central Cardolan.

Collen: 'Tea? Does it have honey in it? I only like tea with honey in it. Hmm, that does smell good, though. I guess I could try some.'
Wynfor: 'Is this one of Tangwen's teas? Ah, she is always looking out for us. What a lovely lady. You have my thanks! May we all find rest and peace soon.'
Rodric: 'Tea from Tangwen? Why thank you. Not much will alleviate my fears until those black riders are found and dealt with, though.'
Cadwallon: 'What is this now? Tea? Relax?! This is not the time for relaxing. Take your herbs and meddling elsewhere.'
Rhiangar: 'A tea from the town healer? Ahh, that smells incredible. It reminds me of something mother used to make to help me sleep. Thank you, my friend. I will have to pay my respects to Tangwen soon.'
Osian: 'I would much rather have wine. Brandy Wine from the Golden Perch, such as is imported for festivals. I do not suppose you will have been to the Golden Perch. You do not look like you get over to Stock much.'

Objective 2

You should bring the hawkwort flowers and lavender to Tangwen.

Tangwen is in Herne in western Cardolan.

Tangwen: 'Welcome back! Why, you still have tea left? I am surprised, but not sad that there will be more left for us to enjoy!
'Thank you for your help, <name>! It was a small thing, but I hope it brings peace and comfort to those we helped.'