Quest:A Morgul Ailment

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A Morgul Ailment
Level 126
Type Solo
Starts with Arodor
Starts at Barad Orhant, the Tower of the Treegarth
Start Region Minas Morgul
Map Ref [66.4S, 0.5E]
Quest Chain Imlad Morgul: Circle of Sorrow
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'There is an urgent matter to which we must attend. As we press further into the Dead City, some of the Rangers have taken ill. At first it was a trifle of an illness, but now, some Rangers are unable to perform their duties. I believe something noisome is to blame, be it the flowers or mushrooms, or some other sinister growth.

'We must devise some remedy. Let me think on this while you gather what medicinal supplies we brought into the city. Quickly now, see to those ailing Rangers!'


Some of the Rangers of Ithilien have taken ill as Arodor frantically searches for a remedy to this strange Morgul ailment.

Objective 1

  • Gather medicine (0/6)

Medicine can be found in Barad Orhant.

You should gather medicine for the ailing Rangers.

Gathered medicine (6/6)

Objective 2

  • Treat the sick Rangers (0/6)

Sick Rangers can be found in Barad Orhant.

You should treat the sick Rangers.

Treated Ranger (6/6)

Objective 3

  • Talk to Arodor in Barad Orhant

Arodor can be found in Barad Orhant.

You should talk to Arodor.

Arodor: 'Thank you for treating some of the Rangers. This is but a temporary solution. I would not be surprised if more of us also fall victim to this Morgul ailment. We must search for a remedy.'