Quest:A Dock Too Far

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A Dock Too Far
Level 146
Type Solo
Starts with Nargo
Starts at Halrax
Start Region The Shield Isles
Map Ref [9.9S, 126.5W]
Quest Group The Shield Isles
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'The sea is a voracious beast consuming wood at a rate only surpassed by fire. Every day, I toil to repair this dock. Each night, when I slumber, I dream of hammering nails. And each morning, I awake to find more rot chewing away at the docks.

'I grow weary, friend. Could you help? I need palm wood from the trees in the wood to the east of the town. Can you collect those and repair the damaged planks?'


Nargo is looking for help in patching up the dock at Halrax. He needs assistance in repairs and materials.

Objective 1

  • Collect palm timber (0/6)
  • Repair the damaged dock planks (0/10)

Nargo asked you to harvest palm wood from the forest outside of the city and then repair the planks on the dock.

Nargo: 'I need palm timber from the woods surrounding Halrax. The trees are pliable and survive longer along the harsh sea-shore. Then, if you do not mind, repair the damaged planks along the dock.'

Objective 2

  • Return to Nargo and tell him you completed his request
  • 6 Palm Timber

You chopped down some nearby trees to collect palm timber and repaired the planks on the dock. Return to Nargo, on the Halrax docks, with the news.

Nargo: 'What you have done for me may seem like that much effort. It is a great relief to me not having to deal with that monotonous life, even for a few moments. Thank you, friend.'