Quest:A Curse Not Lifted

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A Curse Not Lifted
Level 25
Type Solo
Starts with Arnail
Starts at Tyrn Gorthad
Start Region Cardolan
Map Ref [42.5S, 48.5W]
Ends with Nan Mabli
Ends at Tyrn Gorthad
End Region Cardolan
Map Ref [42.5S, 48.4W]
Quest Group Cardolan
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Oh, uhm, hello there. Well, I need your help again.'

Nan Mabli says, 'That's right he does! This layabout lied to you, didn’t he?'

She nudges her grandson with her boot. He groans and nods vigorously.

'I, uhm, forgot to give you one of the items I… borrowed from the tombs. I tried to return it, I really did! But, well, the spirits within are so riled up that I can't enter the tomb to return it.

'Here! Take it! I never want to see it again!'


A harried graverobber begs for assistance in lifting a potentially deadly curse... again.

Objective 1

  • Return the stolen necklace

Arnail has asked you to return a stolen necklace to a barrow near Dol Ernil.

Dol Ernil is in north-western Cardolan.

You feel a lessening of dread as you gently replace the necklace

Objective 2

You should let Nan Mabli know that you have returned the stolen necklace to the barrows.

Nan Mabli is near the barrows south of Dol Ernil.

Arnail: 'Blue eyes, like the sapphire of the necklace. I see them in my dreams. I see them when I close my eyes! She is always watching me. Always.'
Nan Mabli: 'You're back! Excellent. I do not hear the excessive moaning and groaning that was coming from the tombs, so it seems you were successful. Thank you for putting the spirits back to rest. I hope that my grandson has learned his lesson.'