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Marra is the wife of Lord Golasgil, mother of Orgolas, and Lady of the Gondorian fiefdom of Anfalas.

Marra (Midsummer)

Image of Marra
Gender Female
Race Race of Man
Region Anórien (After Battle)
Settlement Minas Tirith (Midsummer)
Interior Merethrond - Banquet Hall
Map Ref [22.7N, 55.9W]

Together with her son Orgolas and all other Lords and Ladies of Gondor, Marra is invited to the royal wedding of Aragorn and Arwen. She partakes in both the ceremony as well as the banquet.

Quest Involvement

Marra (Outer Gondor)

Image of Marra
Gender Female
Race Man
Region Anfalas
Area Central Anfalas
Settlement Lond Cirion
Interior The Keep of Lond Cirion
Map Ref [69.3S, 89.0W]

Marra returns home to Lond Cirion after the Great Wedding and can be found in the keep managing the affairs of Anfalas.

Quest Involvement