Enmity of the Orcs II

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Deed Lore

Unlike the goblins, the Orcs have been raised with a martial outlook and form the backbone of the Enemy's armies. They are neither cowards nor weaklings -- though they cannot hope to match the martial prowess of the Elves -- but their numbers and war industry are vast when motivated by their shadowy overlords.

To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)

Defeat Orcs (150)
The minds of orcs are weak and easily befuddled, and the greatest of the elf-refuges have long been protected by magical wards that turn away such evil, allowing the Elves havens of relative safety from which to strike against their foes with surprise and precision. Thus it has been that in these later ages their dark armies are oft turned first against the fortresses of men or dwarves, rather than the Elves, who are hated most of all by the Enemy of old. So it has often turned to you and your people to strike at their flanks, cutting them off and sowing confusion and fear into their well-ordered ranks so that the larger armies of men may smash their vanguards.


   10 LOTRO Points
   Return to Rivendell

Deed Chain Information

  1. Enmity of the Orcs
  2. Enmity of the Orcs II
  3. Enmity of the Orcs III

Additional Information

  • This deed is available at level 29.

This deed becomes available to elves at level 29.