Quest:Sâd Torech: Sinking Feeling

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Sâd Torech: Sinking Feeling
Level 85
Type Solo
Starts with Aldbéort
Starts at Cliving
Start Region Norcrofts
Map Ref [43.2S, 56.5W]
Quest Group Hytbold
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I would like to be able to send the youths to Sâd Torech to collect the pitch-vases for us, but I cannot. The journey itself is easy and safe enough, but the town has been settled by drakelings, and while they are small, our young simply cannot withstand that threat.

'If you can clear out some of the drakelings and bats, in time we may be able to reclaim the town, and our supply of pitch shall no longer be threatened.'


Drakelings and bats have settled in the remains of Sâd Torech.

Objective 1

Drakelings and bats can be found at Sâd Torech.

Aldbéort asked you to clear some of the drakelings and bats from Sâd Torech.

Aldbéort: 'Are you prepared to journey to Sâd Torech?'
Enter the Public Instance: Sâd Torech

Objective 2

Aldbéort is at Cliving.

Aldbéort will be pleased to hear the drakeling and bat population in Sâd Torech has been thinned.

Aldbéort: 'It will take time to clear them all out, but I am glad that we have begun.'