Quest:Mission: Ship of Wraiths (Instance)

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Ship of Wraiths (Instance)
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Deshra
Starts at The Bloody Eagle Tavern
Start Region Umbar Baharbêl
Map Ref [19.7S, 97.6W]
Ends with Deshra
Quest Group Mission: Umbar
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Your objective is clear, <name>, investigate what happened in the Shedax Khîn in the Shield Isles, and rescue any trapped sailors. The hopes of the vanished crew rest with you.'


A prominent Umbari noble has vanished during a routine trip to the Shedax Khîn in the Shield Isles, near an isle it's rumoured the dead walk freely. Investigate and rescue any trapped sailors.

Objective 1

  • Defeat drowned wights (0/6)
  • Defeat blight-callers (0/8)
  • Defeat brine-drinkers (0/2)
  • Rescue captive sailors (0/3)
Tied Prisoner says, "So cold. Bless you, I wouldn't have lasted much longer."
Tied Prisoner says, "I did not think I would survive. But I shall, thanks to you."
Tied Prisoner says, "I thought we were done for. Another few hours and we would have been. Thank you."
Defeated drowned wights (6/6)
Defeated blight-callers (8/8)
Defeated brine-drinkers (2/2)
Captive sailor rescued (3/3)

A prominent Umbari noble has vanished during a routine trip to the Shedax Khîn in the Shield Isles, near an isle it's rumoured the dead walk freely. Investigate and rescue any trapped sailors.

Captive noblewoman rescued
Rûpharo the Rancorous roars in rage at the sight of the escaping sailors!
Umbari Noble says, "It took you long enough. Thank you, I suppose."

Objective 2

Find and defeat Rûpharo the Rancorous!

An Umbari scout has arrived to escort you back to the Bloody Eagle Tavern

Objective 3

You have defeated the dead and rescued the prisoners! Return with the Umbari scout to the mission giver with this report.

Umbari Scout : 'You rescued the prisoners! Deshra will be so relieved. Let's go back to Umbar, truth be told this place makes my skin crawl.'