Discovery: Gorthad Nûr, the Deep-barrow

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Deed Lore

You have discovered the entrance to Gorthad Nûr, the Deep-barrow

To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)

Discover the entrance to Gorthad Nûr, the Deep-barrow [68.8S, 3.5E]
These were the burial-houses of Minas Ithil, where the bones of the dead were laid to rest in solemn state, but that was long ago. Now this place has fallen to darkness and evil, and it is called Gorthad Nûr, the Deep-barrow. Vengeful shades and foul kergrim have been drawn to the tombs, and they will not allow any incursion into the domain they have taken for their own.


   Sigil of Imlad Ithil

Additional Information

  • This deed is available at level 125.

This deed is required to unlock the World Instance Gorthad Nûr in Morgul Vale.