Quest:A Meeting Missed

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A Meeting Missed
Level 144
Type Solo
Starts with Lúmar
Starts at Iáphel
Start Region Pinnath Gelin
Map Ref [60.2S, 94.1W]
Ends with Lúmar
Ends at Ost Arndír
End Region Pinnath Gelin
Map Ref [52.7S, 83.8W]
Quest Group Pinnath Gelin
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Well met. I am Lúmar, scout commander for the Knights of the Green Hills. And you - well, your reputation precedes you. The knights have spoke your name with cheer around many a fire. I pray I can charge you with a small task. My fellow scout, Igerna, went north to look into troubling reports of goblin activity. Alas, she missed her deadline for reporting back, and I can wait no longer before pressing on to Ost Arndír.

'Will you follow in her footsteps and see if she requires aid? She's one of the most capable scouts we have, and it's unlike her to be tardy. Head to Elbery Farm and speak with Húrwen. Igerna planned to check on her.'


Across the green hills of Pinnath Gelin, scouts work alongside, and many times ahead of, the local knights. Theirs is a small, but tightly organized group. Thus, when one of their number misses an appointed time to report in, tensions rise.

Objective 1

Lúmar is concerned that his fellow scout hasn't reported back after making a trip north of Iáphel. Igerna was last seen heading to Elbery Farm in Pinnath Gelin, to speak with Húrwen.

You should speak with Húrwen.

Húrwen: 'Igerna? Aye, she came through here, but she's gone on up north. She said she heard that goblins have been spotted blasting up the side of the mountain!'

Objective 2

Húrwen spoke with Igerna, who continued on towards the mountains in search of more goblins.

You should look for signs of Igerna in northern Pinnath Gelin.

You found a goblin camp!

Objective 3

  • Search the camp for Igerna

While searching for Igerna, you discovered that goblins have made a camp at the foot of the mountains.

You should continue looking for Igerna in the goblin camp in north-western Pinnath Gelin.

Goblins are burrowing into the mountainside

Objective 4

  • Search the cave for Igerna

A freshly made cave has been blasted into the mountainside by goblins. You should search the cave.

The cave is in north-western Pinnath Gelin.

A shredded pack lies here

Objective 5

In a newly dug cave north of Iáphel, you found a shredded pack. Does it belong to Igerna?

You should bring it to Lúmar in Ost Arndir to find out.

Lúmar: '<name>! You return without Igerna, I see.'
You hand him the pack, and a worried recognition passes across his face.
'This is a troublesome outcome indeed. Why would Igerna leave her pack behind? The leather is shredded, but thankfully there is no blood to be found. Perhaps she made an escape!'