Quest:Chapter 4.2: No Time to Draw!

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Chapter 4.2: No Time to Draw!
Level 130
Type Solo
Starts with Thálfi
Starts at Zudramdân
Start Region Elderslade
Map Ref [36.9N, 64.7W]
Ends with Imák
Ends at Zudramdân
End Region Elderslade
Map Ref [36.9N, 64.7W]
Quest Group The Legacy of Durin and the Trials of the Dwarves: Chapter 4
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I need you to scout the camps nearer to Gundabad now, <name>. Trouble not to draw these on the map, for I suspect the enemy presence at these locations will afford you no time to draw! No, this time I ask you simply to observe the situation nearer to Gundabad, and then report back to me what you saw.

'Perhaps it goes without saying, but please be careful. And this too: defeat any Orcs and Angmarim in your way!'


Thálfi is worried that the forces defending Gundabad need a more thorough scouting, but they will not give you the benefit of leisurely adding their camps to your map.

Objective 1

  • Scout the bridge in front of Gundabad
  • Scout the central courtyard in front of Gundabad
  • Scout the settlement of Dûn Traikh beyond the entrance to Gundabad
  • Defeat Orc-kind in Elderslade (0/10)
  • Defeat Angmarim in Elderslade (0/10)

Thálfi wants you to scout enemy camps nearer to Gundabad and to defeat any Orcs and Angmarim you find on the way. This time he has not asked you to draw the locations on a map, and will rely instead upon your report. Crossing the bridge in front of Gundabad and exploring past the central courtyard on your way to the buildings beyond the entrance should be sufficient.

The bridge before Gundabad crosses a raging river: a defensible position
Extensive palisades and Orkish totems bolster the defences before Gundabad
The Angmarim have established a settlement in the shadow of the three peaks

Objective 2

Thálfi is at Zudramdân in Elderslade.

Thálfi: 'Thank you, my friend! What did you learn of the enemy presence nearer to the gates of Gundabad?'
You give Thálfi your report, and he makes some notations on the map.
'Yes, I see. We were both right: there is no shortage of foes! Perhaps by studying this information Prince Durin will find some weakness in the line. Hmm... no such vulnerability makes itself known to me, but I am only a scout, and not a master strategist. I have faith in the prince and his advisors. One of them will surely see something.'

Objective 3

  • Talk to Imák at Zudramdân in Elderslade

Imák is at Zudramdân in Elderslade, and he wishes to speak with you.

Imák snorts rudely
Imák: 'Are all Longbeards so trusting, so willing to rely upon blind faith? A Stout-axe does not sit idly by, waiting for the tide of fortune to turn. He takes action!'