File talk:Great River map.jpg

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File Rename?

Apparently the coordinate pop-ups on the various pages are looking for 'Great River_map.jpg' instead of 'Great River Map.jpg'. But then again, it seems the map has been changed slightly in the latest release, mostly to add tree illustrations to the bottom, and to change the drawing of the Desolation of the Gardens. -- JnK (talk) 02:46, 8 March 2012 (EST)

The map I posted is the one that Turbine posted on Flickr. Someone who understands the way the map javascript works needs to take a non-widescreen screenshot cut and scale it to the proper dimensions, and modify the javascript with the map image reference and map coordinate to screen coordinate transformation parameters and modify the low level templates that wrap the javascript. While they are at it, they could update the Archet Dale map and add the Pit of Iron map too. Oh, and Foundations of Stone, Lothlórien need new images as well.
And well may you ask why I don't do it myself. Time, motivation, and other activities both in-games and IRL. RingTailCat (talk) 05:01, 8 March 2012 (EST)